Food SNS app
When a user adds a food post, the post is created and posted in SNS style by simply entering a photo of the food, its name, and its price. In addition, the user's spending history and the food eaten are recorded. The home screen lists food posts, and each post displays the name and price of the food. Users can like or comment on posts, and leave feedback through comments. A feedback icon is added to each comment, allowing users to leave feedback on individual comments, which is saved.
A feedback icon is also added to each post, allowing users to leave feedback on the post, which is saved separately.
On the profile screen, the photos uploaded by the user are arranged in a grid view, and the user's spending history is visualized in a table. This allows users to easily understand their spending patterns. It is possible to find specific posts by using the search function by food name.
I want to change the icon/button color to orange.
Based on your request to change the icon/button color to orange, here is the modified app draft plan:
Theme and Design
- Theme: Light theme for a clean and fresh look, which is generally preferred for food-related apps.
- Icon/Button Color: Use a single color for icons and buttons, such as a vibrant orange (#FFA500) to convey energy and enthusiasm.
- Button Shape: Rounded corners with a radius of 8dp for a modern and friendly appearance.
Functions and Features
1. Add Food Post
- Functionality: Users can create a new food post by uploading a photo, entering the food name, and its price.
- UI Elements:
- A "+" button located at the bottom center of the home screen to initiate the post creation. This button will be orange.
- A form with fields for photo upload, food name, and price.
- A "Post" button to submit the post, also in orange.
- Data Handling: Upon submission, the post is saved to the database, and the spending history is updated.
2. Home Screen
- Functionality: Displays a list of food posts in chronological order.
- UI Elements:
- Each post shows the food photo, name, and price.
- Like and comment icons below each post for user interaction, both in orange.
- A feedback icon next to the comment icon for leaving feedback on the post, also in orange.
- Interactions:
- Tapping the like icon increases the like count.
- Tapping the comment icon opens a comment section for the post.
- Tapping the feedback icon opens a feedback form specific to the post.
3. Comment and Feedback on Posts
- Functionality: Users can comment on posts and leave feedback on both posts and individual comments.
- UI Elements:
- A comment section that appears when the comment icon is tapped.
- Each comment has a feedback icon next to it, in orange.
- Interactions:
- Tapping the feedback icon on a comment opens a feedback form specific to that comment.
- Feedback is saved and associated with the respective post or comment.
4. Profile Screen
- Functionality: Displays the user's uploaded photos in a grid view and visualizes spending history in a table.
- UI Elements:
- A grid view for photos, allowing users to see all their uploads at a glance.
- A table or chart below the grid view showing spending history.
- Interactions:
- Tapping a photo in the grid view opens the post details.
- The spending history table is interactive, allowing users to filter or sort data.
5. Search Functionality
- Functionality: Allows users to search for specific posts by food name.
- UI Elements:
- A search bar at the top of the home screen.
- Interactions:
- Entering a food name in the search bar filters the posts to show relevant results.
Additional Considerations
- Responsive Layouts: Ensure the app is responsive and works well on various screen sizes.
- Form Validation: Implement validation for the post creation form to ensure all fields are filled correctly.
- Navigation: Include standard navigation elements like a back button and a bottom navigation bar for easy access to home, profile, and search screens.
- User Feedback: Provide visual feedback for actions like liking a post or submitting a comment to enhance user experience.
This plan outlines the necessary features and design elements to create a functional and user-friendly app with the updated orange color scheme for icons and buttons.
test password: guest123